Allen Bush

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Allen Bush

Allen Bush founded Holbrook Farm and Nursery, a mail order source for rare and unusual perennials in 1981. He opened the North American office of Jelitto Perennial Seeds in 1995. Allen served as its Director of Special Projects for 22 years. Jelitto offers over 3,700 seed choices of perennials, alpines, herbs and ornamental grasses. Allen received The Perennial Plant Association’s Award of Merit in 2011. In 2017, he received The American Horticultural Society’s Paul Ecke Jr. Commercial Award. The Garden Club of America selected Allen as an Honorary Member in 2020. He has contributed to Garden Rant since 2013. Allen gardens in Kentucky with his wife, Rose Cooper, known sometimes as Rose Bush.

Articles by Allen Bush

Radio Garden

By |2024-04-10T08:17:21-04:00April 10, 2024|

Radio Garden is planting seeds this spring while you are imagining your best garden ever. Take your pick of more than 8,000 diverse radio stations around the world. Radio Garden [...]

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