What happens when you take the “humanness” out of the garden?
Fritillary nectaring on non-native privet By Guest Ranter Kathy Introne It never ceases to amaze me how many gardeners are blatantly killing our natural world - [...]
Fritillary nectaring on non-native privet By Guest Ranter Kathy Introne It never ceases to amaze me how many gardeners are blatantly killing our natural world - [...]
Guest post by Tim Calkins They're everywhere, whirling blades showering off the maples in every gust of wind, the next crop of trees on the move. The first of the [...]
Guest Rant by Joseph Tychonievich There has been a lot of discussion in gardening circles about “nativars.” Is the term useful? How is it defined? The latest surge of comment [...]
by Guest Ranter Hannah Karena Jones There are a number of noble reasons to replace a lawn with flowers: supporting pollinators and birds, increasing biodiversity, lowering your carbon footprint. I’m [...]
A Guest Rant by Heather Tuckman Plantrum /ˈplan-trəm/: The act of impulsively destroying plants out of unrestrained frustration. As a gardener, I have a problem; I am prone to temper [...]
Here's a story of a threatened community garden, by Guest Ranter Kathleen Kiley: A notice of an “inside threat” was sent out to the members of the Westport Community Gardens [...]
Guest post by Susan Dieterlen I should know better, but I’ve planted radishes again. In this my 40th year of growing vegetables, I can count on one hand the number [...]
Guest post by Sally Blanton I confess that I did voluntarily plant a start of bamboo in my residential, urban yard because how else could you get a beautiful living [...]
'Endless Summer' with daylilies Guest Rant by Lorraine Ballato It all started in early January, as it does every year: the steady stream of online advice about how [...]
“Next year I promise not to buy any more plants until I have planted all the ones that are currently stored in the garage because I didn’t get around to [...]
Experiencing such a garden is the best way I can coax those new to gardening or the natural gardening movement to swap part or perhaps even all of lawn, beds of ground cover, or stands of invasive honeysuckle for plants that are more beneficial to nature and more attractive.
Beach with weeds Guest post by Amelia Grant Ten years ago, my husband and I bailed out of traffic infested Atlanta, GA and moved to a small town [...]