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Lincoln Smith’s Agroecological Research Garden: Forested
Lincoln Smith speaking to members of the Greenbelt-Beltsville Garden Club in his forest garden. Lincoln Smith has been described, by one Washington Post reporter, as a "landscape architect gone rogue," after he quit his "high-end landscape architecture firm" [...]
Gardening is good for your Brain
Blimey, this was a while ago! Me, reading one of those paper things we used to get. Keeping my brain healthy? I’m a lazy sort, and I like to take a couple of days off every week doing [...]
Ear Seeds and Acupuncture
A year ago, my daughter and I drove to Vancouver and made the rounds. Molly lives in Bellingham, Washington, near the Canadian border. The first stop was the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden for a walk around; the [...]
The Joy Of Perfumed Plants
It's summer. That means glorious sunny days with flower-filled gardens and air filled with heady fragrances. I found out by accident that abelias are perfumed Unless you're in my part of Britain, in which case it often means [...]

“One of my favorites: A blend of gossip, news, crusade and, yes, raw rant, it blows the cobwebs out of gardening’s mustier corners.”
– Washington Post gardening editor Adrian Higgins
The effects of our racist and exclusionary history linger – even in gardening
Lone Tree, Thomas Pereira 2020 Do those of us who have rejected traditional lawn-focused front gardens in favor of edible or perennial alternatives need to check our privilege? It’s not entirely that crazy a question. [...]
Amy Stewart’s celebration of trees and their people – plus a giveaway
LIME TREE MARIA IS THE WINNER! Thanks for playing. As I noted, I will be compiling many of these wonderful comments/tree stories into a tree post. Longtime Rant readers know the name of Amy Stewart as one [...]
An Experiment In Naturalism
I'd planned a leisurely morning. A bit of gentle pottering around in my own garden, then out later to deal with something at a garden I look after. My phone buzzed: fellow Ranter Marianne was in my [...]
GardenRant Voices
GardenRant is the work of these highly opinionated gardeners:
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GardenRant welcomes “guest ranters” who want to take over our little piece of cyberspace for the day. Whether you’re in the plant industry or just an ordinary gardener with an axe to grind, you’re invited. Find out more here.